Petition: Reopen the Metropole Hotel as a Tourist Destination for Blackpool
Join me in my call to return the Metropole Hotel to its former glory and sign the open letter to Britannia Hotels below.
To: Britannia Hotels Management
We, the undersigned, are writing to express our deep concern regarding the current status of the Metropole Hotel in Blackpool. As a historic and locally-listed venue, the Metropole long served as a vital part of the local tourism industry, providing accommodations for visitors and supporting the economy of our beloved town.
Since 2021 the hotel has been used as accommodation for asylum seekers in Blackpool – a location and facility that it entirely inappropriate for these vulnerable individuals and families.
We believe that the Metropole should return to its original purpose as a tourist hotel, serving Blackpool people and visitors to the town.
Blackpool is renowned for its vibrant culture, attractions and hospitality. The return of the Metropole to a tourist hotel would:
Revitalise local tourism: Blackpool is built on tourism and the Metropole’s reopening as a tourist hotel would attract visitors, support local businesses and contribute to the economic revival of our town.
Preserve local heritage: The Metropole Hotel is locally listed and stands in the prominent position on the seafront as a significant symbol of Blackpool's history and charm. Investing in the hotel and reopening it as a tourist destination will help preserve its heritage and maintain the character of our town.
Support local employment: A functioning tourist hotel will create jobs and provide training opportunities, helping to reduce unemployment rates and support local families.
We urge Britannia Hotels to reconsider the current use of the Metropole Hotel and take action to restore it as a welcoming destination for tourists. Let us work together to ensure that Blackpool remains a thriving and inclusive community for all.
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