Clean Streets: My Visit to Enveco
I met with John Hawkin and Jez Evans, management at Enveco Blackpool Environmental Services to discuss some of the issues raised by residents within my constituency.
They spent time explaining the various systems they have in place to deal effectively with street cleaning, weed removal, kerbside collections, and managing Blackpool's Household Waste Recycling.
Regular training is provided for their dedicated team of over 250 — some of who have been working at Enveco for over 40 years.
Clean streets are so important to our sense of local pride and speaking with Enveco staff it was clear that they really do take pride in our town’s appearance and safety too. I’m reassured that if issues are raised with them they will deal with them.
Management explained to me how they prioritise reports – with dangerous waste being removed within hours and lower priority reports taking maximum of a few days. They have done a lot of work to ensure these systems are effective so please make use of them if you have any concerns.
You can report waste-related issues including dog fouling, graffiti, fly tipping or anything else via their website: